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Temperature control (HVAC) in the workplace is essential for many reasons such as impacts on employee comfort, health, productivity, and overall safety. Research has shown that by investing in the right means of temperature control - whether that be workstation fans, complete air conditioning systems, or electric/spot heaters - overall employee satisfaction is higher and workplace conflicts are reduced.

Achieving the right balance of temperature in a wide range of environments, from offices to factories and warehouses, will lead to optimal work performance and reduced fatigue. When temperatures are too hot or too cold, employees will fatigue more quickly, reducing the quality and quantity of their work.

Temperature also has a huge say in health-related illness, particularly in industries like manufacturing, foundries, and construction, where employees are more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. On the flipside, workers in excessively colder temperatures are at risk of reduced dexterity and discomfort. When temperatures are properly regulated, absenteeism will be reduced.

Occupational health and safety regulations, such as those set out by OSHA in the USA, often include temperature guidelines. Employers are obligated to understand these compliance regulations and ensure that their workers aren't exposed to any detrimental temperature extremes.