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Guidance Barriers

Investing in one of our guidance barrier systems will directly improve safety, direct traffic and footfall, and protect both your assets and personnel.

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Vestil Pipe and Downspout Protector


Vestil Bolt Covers

From $12.21

Vestil Adjustable Perimeter Guard Systems

From $88.75

Vestil Galvanized Folding Gates

From $240.71

Vestil Expand-A-Gates

From $134.36

Vestil Traffic Cones

From $11.14

Vestil Semi-Permanent Barriers

From $98.00

Vestil Traffic Cone Barrier


Vestil Galvanized Door Scissor Gates

From $165.00

Vestil Multi-Purpose Barricades

From $176.57

Vestil Mobile Safety Barrier


Vestil Automatic Overhead Door Lock


Vestil Light Pole Base Protectors

From $274.46

Vestil Barricade


Vestil Interlocking Traffic Barriers

From $250.52

Vestil Stackable Poly Barricades


Vestil Surface Mount Flexible Stakes

From $8.18

Vestil Indoor Personnel Guidance Barriers

From $74.87

Vestil Plastic Chain Barricades

From $50.74

Vestil Web Barrier Stakes

From $40.35

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Guidance barriers are a great way to keep workers, visitors, and the general public aware of any potential hazards in a wide range of environments. From factories and warehouses to construction sites and public walkways, guidance barriers are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Our comprehensive range includes semi-permanent and portable barricades, sign base systems, interlocking barriers, overhead door locks, drain water dispersers and pipe protectors - each designed to suit a multitude of settings, keeping people save from harm by visually alerting of potential danger.