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McKissick® 419 Light Champion Snatch Blocks

From $274.00

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"Rig Safe, Rig Crosby"

As the world leader in rigging, lifting and material handling hardware Crosby set the bar high when it comes to standards in quality, innovation, and reliability. From raw materials to finished goods, with Crosby products you know where your rigging comes from.

Credit "thecrosbygroup.com":

The Crosby Group was the first to:

  • Produce the forged wire rope clip (1880s)
  • Produce wire rope guards on sheaves that can be opened for easy reeving (1925)
  • Forge load rating (working load limit) directly onto the product (1958)
  • Quench and temper fittings for more reliable performance (1973)
  • Forge Product Identification Code (PIC) into each product that allows traceability to its respective date of production and material certification (1977)
  • Rate products as Fatigue Rated (1991)
  • Forge patented QUIC-CHECK™ markings into hooks, shackles, and various other rigging products to assist users in determining proper use (1992)
  • Produce a crane block that can be reeved without removing the wedge socket from wire rope in the United States (1996)